Located at the Errekalde Palace, in an English-style garden Major science and biology exhibitions Declared a Historical Site of international importance for the separation of tungsten and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

A cultural venue housed in a historical 18th century building, furnished with a 21st century infrastructure, situated on the square Plaza San Martín Agirre. Extensive cultural programme.


Bergara has a historic town centre full of impressive buildings and delightful parks and gardens. What’s more, the town is surrounded by countryside and woodlands that make it an ideal location for trekking and other sports.


34 listed monuments. Buildings in different styles: the late Basque Gothic, Italian and Central European Renaissance, Baroque..16th–18th European art in full view.

Main attractions

The Tourist Office organises guided tours around the Old Part of Bergara.

It is advisable to book a time at the office itself for tours at Eastertime, in the summer (June-September), and over long holiday weekends. In addition, the Office provides a map with two possible routes around the old quarter, enabling visitors to organise their own self-guided tour.


Bergara Monumentala

Hirigune historikoak Monumentu Multzoaren izendapena jaso zuen 2003an. Hirigune historiko honetako eraikinen artean Europako XVIII. eta XIX. mendeetako zientifikoak ibiltzen ziren, Errege Mintegira joan edo handik irteterakoan. Horregatik esaten dugu kale hauetan zehar ibiltzea Historiako beste garai batean paseatzea bezala dela.

Informazio gehiago

Basque Country




Laboratorium museoa

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